The Impact of Environment on Mother-Child Problem Discussions:

When we talked about the child-mother problem, Ceezar Martison explains in his book that environment plays a significant role in them, as we see that family dynamics, home environment, and surroundings can impact the relationship of both mother and child. A positive environment fosters a supportive environment for building strong relationships between mother and child. While a negative environment can lead to stress and misunderstanding between a child and a mother, so environment plays a very important role in driving the positive and negative building of mother-child discussion.

Secure environment

  1. Home:
  2. home is the best place for discussion; home gives us a comfort zone for any kind of discussion, is distraction-free, a private area, or any room that creates an effective tone between mother and child.
  3. Safe environment:
  4. a safe neighborhood and environment can contribute to a sense of security by allowing a mother and child to discuss anything randomly without fear.
  5. Stressful environment:
  6. Work pressure, financial crises, and emotional stressors can lead to the detachment of mother-child discussion. The atmosphere change in the home due to these stressful conditions can lead to a lack of pure conversation, and with this, mothers are not responding to their child’s concerns.
  7. Social impact:
  8. Social impact includes peer influence as children interact outside the home and discuss the problems they are going through with their mother. Community norms can also affect the mother-child problem discussions.
  9. Emotional environment:
  10. Mentally stressed, emotionally weak, and lacking in trust can create a weak appearance in mother-child problem-solving discussions. A positive emotional environment may promote more problem-solving discussions between mother and child.
  11. Media influence:
  12. The era of social media can influence children in other activities, detach them from motherly conversations, make them prone to making impulsive decisions, and in the end, leave them with regret. Digital tools like video calls and texting also affect mother-child discussions. Media influence can make children do unethical things; they seek out social media for a lot of things, hide things from their mothers, and think social media is the savior of everything.
  13. Communication skills:
  14. Effective communication between mother-child discussions must be present to foster understanding and resolve problems. Communication skills in mother-child problem discussion include active listing, clear and open conversation, trust and security, empathy, and problem-solving skills. All these factors help in clear conversation, creating a strong bond between mother and child. Children all need physical and mental support, which they get from their mother’s only. Mother-child healthy discussion is very important as it fosters a positive and peaceful environment.
  15. The wit and wisdom Mother:
  16. In his wit and wisdom, Ceezar Martison explained the impact of mothers on their children’s lives, as mothers play an important role in their children’s lives. He emphasizes that our mother is the power queen of our decisions, as she knows how to resolve our mess in just a minute. mother always stood by their children in the worst situations. Mother-child problem discussion at every point has a positive impact on both mother and children, as research finds children feel relaxed after discussing any problem with their mother. Environment plays a crucial role in every aspect, as it creates the types of environment for mother-child to have a safe conversation.


    Research finds that these environmental factors play an individual role in interacting mother-child problem discussions. By addressing each influence, we can make the bond strong for child development, support, and wellbeing of the mother and child. Give a soothing and peaceful environment to children so that they are not afraid of discussing any type of problem.